Deutsche Welle presents report by Media University students

In the module “Media Production” Media University students Christian Caurla and Jonathan Walker (M.A. Convergent Journalism) shot a report about refugees in Frankfurt (Oder). The report is now presented in the program of Germany’s international news channel Deutsche Welle.

The report by Christian Caurla and Jonathan Walker deals with the integration of refugees in Frankfurt (Oder).

The report by Christian Caurla and Jonathan Walker deals with the integration of refugees in Frankfurt (Oder).

For their film project the students accompanied social worker Thomas Klähn by his daily work. After an attack on the night club Frosch Klähn is fighting to keep sentiments from turning against the refugees. The town's leading politicians have taken a clear stance: mayor René Wilke of the Left Party would like to see the perpetrators deported - in spite of criticism from within his own party. The report deals with a highly charged social issue in a differentiated and well-balanced way.