Other financial aid options

Besides BAföG, scholarships and student loans, there are a few other possibilities for students to fund their studies.

Educational funds

There are several providers of so-called educational funds (primarily companies and non-profit organizations) which offer a certain payment out during your academic studies. These funds are meant to fund current of upcoming tuition and living expenses, while setting the amount to be repaid after completion of these studies according to your future job and income. Depending on your current and expected income this can be more or less than your may need or use. The paid out amount and the payback period are independent from the providers’ selection criteria and are contractually agreed upon in advance.

Media University cooperates with Brain Capital in this regard.

Side jobs

Your full-time studies should be your main focus. Still a side job is very common for students which is why it can’t be left out of this list!

Please notice that an income through a job influences your BAföG entitlement, and during the term of studies, students are allowed to work a total of 20 hours a week. During the term breaks, students may work full-time.

To help you find a job please have a look at

Job data base of the Berlin Studentenwerk
Job data base "Stellenwerk" of the Cologne University