Exchange students present their media projects

On Monday, the exchange students from Bengaluru, India, presented their media projects, which they had been producing during the summer school program at Media University Cologne. Their journey continues on Tuesday with a trip to Media University Berlin.

The exchange students with prorector Prof. Beckenkamp, summer school supervising tutor Prof. Lendzian, study advisor Katharina Günther and the student in support Julia van den Woldenberg.

The exchange students with prorector Prof. Beckenkamp, summer school supervising tutor Prof. Lendzian, study advisor Katharina Günther and the student in support Julia van den Woldenberg.

During their first two and a half weeks in Germany the exchange students from JAIN University in Bengaluru, India, have been producing several radio and video features. Media University’s prorector Prof. Dr. habil. Martin Beckenkamp, Prof. Dr. Bettina Lendzian, who led the journalism summer school and leads the Department of Journalism and Communication at Media University Cologne, as well as several students and employees of Media University Cologne attended the final project presentation.

The seven audio and movie projects deal with cultural peculiarities and intercultural differences. In their radio features the students commented and reported tongue in cheek on the differences in traffic, “toilet culture”, stereotypes of Germans as well as on their stay in Germany and home sickness.

While working together with Media University lecturers Hans Hausmann and Heinz Hoppe on their video projects, the students got to know how to work with camera equipment and post-production software. The most important element of the silent movie “Repressed” was the music, and its choice had taken almost half of the project time. In the movie “kreshendō“, the students had tried to “establish the city of Cologne as a character“ by mixing an atmospheric soundtrack with experimental perspectives, time lapses, slow-motion and other effects. The movie about the popular brewage “Kölsch” combined facts on the topic of the local beer with cheerful music and picturesque impressions from the Cologne old town and people enjoying themselves.

“A hands-on experience with professional equipment”, “Shooting a film was a really good experience”, “At Media University Cologne we got the chance to experiment with what we had already learnt in theory at JAIN University” – these are some of the positive conclusions the students drew about their summer school program at Media University Cologne.