30 Years Fall of the Wall: Workshop Talks at Media University Berlin

From 4th to 7th November four contemporary witnesses of Media University talk about their personal impressions and experiences during the fall of the wall 30 years ago.

30 Years Fall of the Wall

30 Years Fall of the Wall

In a moderated discussion our speakers Prof. Ronald Freytag, Prof. Markus Ziener, Prof. Sebastian Köhler and lecturer Jost Listemann tell the audience how they perceived this truly historical moment in German history. Meet us between 12.15 and 13.00 in room 2.08. As the places are limited, we request all external visitors to register
for the talks via studienberatung-berlin@hmkw.de.


Mo 4.11. Prof. Ronald Freytag: „Es war Zeit, Gesicht zu zeigen…die Demonstration auf dem Alexanderplatz am 4.11.1989“ (in German or English, as requested)

Di 5.11. Prof. Markus Ziener: „Fall of the wall...not in my lifetime.“ (in English)

Mi 6.11. Prof. Sebastian Köhler: „Grenzenlose Pressefreiheit? Als Volontär unterwegs in Thüringen zwischen Mauer und Marktwirtschaft“ (in German)

Do 7.11. Doz. Jost Listemann: „ From my point of view that applies immediatly - the fall of the wall at Checkpoint Bornholmer Straße“ (in English or German, as requested; with videos in German language)