Campus Cologne

Welcome to the Cologne Campus of Media University!

Being the biggest city in western Germany and exhibiting 2000 years of history, Cologne has become a business 
as well as a cultural site of international importance. The metropolis of pop-art and electronic music, avant-garde arts and Rhenish capitalism attracts entrepreneurs, creative heads and people engaged in the cultural sector alike.

Cologne hosts some of the biggest and most important specialized trade fairs worldwide – the grounds are even considered the world‘s 5th largest! In close proximity to the urban agglomeration of the Ruhrgebiet and the Benelux countries, Cologne stands out due to its speedy transport connections and well-built infrastructure. The typical Rhenish characteristics of sociability and open-mindedness are not only expressed by the popular ‘Kölner Karneval’, they also contributed to Cologne’s evolution in becoming a media metropolis. Big broadcasting corporations, production companies and online-service providers continue to decide on the creative urban location on the Rhine. Be inspired by the lively atmosphere of this down-to-earth million-strong city.

Our location - your company’s venue

In order to enhance networking opportunities, companies can rent our attractive premises for their business events. For booking enquiries, please send us an e-mail.


Main campus building

Media University of Applied Sciences
Höninger Weg 139 (1., 2. and 3. floor)
50969 Cologne

Advisory service office and seminar rooms

Media University of Applied Sciences
Höninger Weg 100a
50969 Cologne



You can reach the Cologne Campus by tram line 12 from Barbarossaplatz in the southbound direction, getting off at "Pohligstraße" (directly opposite of our advisory service office at Höninger Weg 100a) or "Herthastraße".


Line 142, get off at "Pohligstraße". From there, it is a 3 minute walk to the Media University main building.


You can park at the multi-story car park "Zollstock Arkaden" (address: Herthastraße 4 in Google Maps). From there, it is a 3 minute walk to Media University.