Study Advisory Berlin

Jon M. Gerdes

Head of Study Advisory Berlin

Media University Berlin

Ackerstr. 76

13355 Berlin

Room 3.06


On behalf of Media University and as Head of the Study Advisory for our Campus in Berlin, I’m really looking forward to getting to know you and offer you professional advice, as well as personal support during your application process, your studies and after your graduation from Media University. Live, study, get ahead – that is not simply our motto at Media University, but rather a principle that is embodied by our staff at every turn.

As an American (Texas), I believe that every person can strive to attain his or her dream job, especially, if one is also given the opportunity and access to gain a solid and practical-oriented education. This might seem complicated or even frightening sometimes, but not at Media University! Come and experience how “teamwork makes the dreamwork”

Curriculum Vitae

Recent career positions

since 2015


Media University of Applied Sciences , Berlin: Head of Study Advisory

2009-2014 Wall Street Institute/Wall Street English, Berlin: Center Director, Advisor
2004-2009 ADFC Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e. V., Potsdam: Project Manager for the state of Brandenburg: „Mit dem Rad zur Arbeit“ (English: Biking to work)




Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
M.A. Contemporary European Politics and Policy



University of Bath, Bath, UK
M.A. Contemporary European Politics and Policy



The George Washington University, Washington D.C., U.S.A
B.A. International Affairs and German Language and Literature

Interests and engagement

Rotary International, Salsa Azul (trumpet), Wadō-Ryū karate