Design Thinking Challenge with Point Blank

As part of the Design Thinking course with Prof. Jenny Bergström our master students in Communication Design and Creative Strategies have been developing workshop tools and games in a collaboration with the design driven research and consulting agency Point Blank.

Point Blank CEO Barbara Lang and design student Muhammad Suhaib at the final presentation of the Design Thinking project

Point Blank CEO Barbara Lang and design student Muhammad Suhaib at the final presentation of the Design Thinking project

The students faced two challenges that Point Blank presented to them in a briefing. First of all, they should find out how the agency is able to stimulate participants in workshops (i.e. medical professionals) to develop engaging stories and what could be a novel story telling tool.

Additionally, the students were invited to develop a workshop tool that helps Point Blank to make the collaborative development of future scenarios easy and intuitive, even for people who are not familiar with the design-thinking approach.

The students applied Design Thinking methods to understand the challenges, empathize with the target group, define the problem, ideate, prototype and test. In a final presentation at the agency’s offices in Berlin, the group presented prototyped concepts for storytelling and the building of user journeys implementing future trends.


Prof. Jenny Bergström and her students are really thankful to Point Blank's managing directors Barbara Lang and Gerhard Keim for the fruitful collaboration! Also, a great thank you to Andreas Machemehl and Christoph Welter who was involved in creating the fun and challenging brief where not only Design Thinking methods were to be applied but also invented.