News from the Department of Design

Graduation ceremony Media University Berlin

For 61 Berlin graduates, a new phase in their lives officially began this Saturday: at the graduation ceremony in the Phorms Theater, they were honored and given a ceremonial farewell by the university administration and their lecturers.

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Creative engagement for more gender equity and diversity in education

Giulia Ferla recently graduated from M.A. Communication Design and Creative Strategies.

Where are the women? The fact that women are often not included in school curricula is not without consequences: It strongly maintains gender inequality in society. Based on extensive research and interviews with educational experts, Giulia Ferla developed a pedagogical tool for teachers as part of her master's thesis. Here she reports on how she came to deal with this highly relevant topic and how she benefits from her studies at Media University.

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Outstanding thesis on shared flats in the field of graphic design and visual communication

Tamara Orlovsky, graduate of the dual study program B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communicationlventin des dualen Studiengangs B.A. Grafikdesign und Visuelle Kommunikation

Tamara Orlovsky was recently honored - after graduating with a B.A. in Graphic Design and Visual Communication (dual) - by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) as Berlin's 2022 Best in the IHK final exam for media designer digital/print.  For her bachelor's thesis, she also spoke with residents of a variety of shared apartments in Berlin and documented their lives in photographs. In the interview, we wanted to learn more about these recent successes and projects, as well as her experiences during her studies.

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