
Outstanding thesis on shared flats in the field of graphic design and visual communication

Tamara Orlovsky, graduate of the dual study program B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communicationlventin des dualen Studiengangs B.A. Grafikdesign und Visuelle Kommunikation

Tamara Orlovsky was recently honored - after graduating with a B.A. in Graphic Design and Visual Communication (dual) - by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) as Berlin's 2022 Best in the IHK final exam for media designer digital/print.  For her bachelor's thesis, she also spoke with residents of a variety of shared apartments in Berlin and documented their lives in photographs. In the interview, we wanted to learn more about these recent successes and projects, as well as her experiences during her studies.

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UX and UI Design: Students develop self-help apps

In the winter semester 2021/22, students of the B.A. Graphic Design and Visual Communication had the task of developing a concept for a self-help app in Prof. Rasmus Giesel's course "Interactive Media". After an extensive research phase, in which they created personas, user journeys and prototypes, among other things, they started designing. The final product was a set of click dummies in which users can test the core functions.

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Design Thinking: Collaboration with Futurice

Oversharing - a card game that encourages talking about sexual fantasies. (Students: Giulia Ferla and Christoffer Elby)

Hands on! In the winter semester 2021/22, master students of Prof. Jenny Bergström's Design Thinking course developed innovative concepts with a focus on health in a practical project with Futurice, an international innovation and service design company with Finnish roots. Whether it was a fitness app, a children's book or a communicative card game, all students approached the task with curiosity, an open mind and a lot of energy.

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Study on advertising breaks

Prof. Dr. Sven Dierks, Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Eick. Photos by Werner Siess

In a study, Media University professors Dr. Eva-Maria Eick and Dr. Sven Dierks from the Psychology Department used the emotion recognition tool TAWNY to reveal the effects of an advertising interruption on viewers.

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